Our plant and campus in Ferndorf is the birthplace of HERADESIGN®. Surrounded by a stunning natural landscape, the campus is the ideal place for a range dedicated to the responsible use of natural resources and sustainability.
Business College DigiLab
It's better to learn quietly
The Hoexter County Business College invests in futureoriented learning concepts.
For the newly created “Digi Lab Being Social”, old thought patterns and existing spatial patterns were dissolved.
The open and flexible learning environment put high requirements on acoustic performance. That was made possible with a mix of system solutions from Knauf Ceiling Solutions.
- Architekt: Plan Bee Architects, Paderborn
- Auftraggeber: TScholtyssek GmbH Drywall Installation Company, Salzkotten (Drywall Installation)
- Endkunde: Hoexter County Administrative District Office
- Fotorechte: © Matthias Groppe
- Segment: Office
- Raumtyp: Offices, meeting rooms, learning facilities
- Materialien: Mineral