Gypsum Fibreboard - Wood Design Range
Acoustic protection, acoustic properties, fire protection as well as robustness are requirements met by KNAUF DESIGNBOARD WOOD in correspondingly tested systems alongside very great flexibility in design.
Excellently suited to use in areas subject to building regulations in which non-flammable composite materials are required.
Votre pays actuel: Allemagne
Produit non disponible
Voir les autres pays disponibles
Afrique (54)
- Afrique du Sud
- Algérie
- Angola
- Bénin
- Botswana
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
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- Comores
- Congo-Brazzaville
- Congo-Kinshasa
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- Djibouti
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- Érythrée
- Eswatini
- Éthiopie
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- Guinée
- Guinée équatoriale
- Guinée-Bissau
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- Libye
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- Mali
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- Maurice
- Mauritanie
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- République centrafricaine
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- Sénégal
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Amérique (21)
- Argentine
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- Équateur
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Asie (8)
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- Turkménistan
Europe (41)
- Albanie
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- Slovénie
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- Suisse
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- Ukraine
Moyen-Orient (11)
- Arabie saoudite
- Bahreïn
- Émirats arabes unis
- Israël
- Jordanie
- Koweït
- Liban
- Oman
- Qatar
- Turkménistan
- Yémen
Caractéristiques techniques
- Real natural wood veneered surface
- Different perforations for high acoustic performance
- Shape and dimension flexibility
- Reaction to fire: Designboard 230 W Non-flammable A2-s1, d0 and Designboard 227 W Not easily flammable B-s1, d0
- Low swelling and shrinkage when climatic conditions change
- Verified non-polluting carrier board
Autres caractéristiques
- Ideal for Educational Building, Public buildings, Hospitals, High-rise buildings, Sports halls.
Board type
- DESIGNBOARD WOOD according to EN 14190 consists of a non-flammable gypsum fibreboard according to EN 15283-2 and is veneered with real wood and painted surface during manufacture at the factory.
- In compliance with EN 14190, the product is subject to an initial test as well as continuous production monitoring in the plant, and carries the CE marking.
Détails du bâtiment
- Type de bâtiment: Éducation, Santé & Hygiène, Bureaux, Loisirs et hôtellerie
- Type de salle: Auditorium, Boutique, Cafétéria, Couloirs, Bibliothèque / Mediathèque, Réception / Hall d'entrée, Hall principal, Salle de réunion / Salle de conférence, Open space / Espace de travail
Réaction au feu
Designboard 227 Wood B-s1, d0
Designboard 230 Wood A2-s1, d0
Designboard 230 Wood A2-s1, d0
Résistance à l‘humidité
Up to 70% RH
Résistance aux rayures
[Scratch Resistant]
Matériaux et options
Wood Veneer
Oak Select
Ash Select
American Walnut Select
DESIGNBOARD Acoustic Options
5 / 16 R
6.5 / 16 R
8 / 16 R
10 / 16 R
3 / 16 S
0.5 / 3.4-1 N
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